Thursday, December 10, 2015

Lately: Inspirations

I've been watching a lot of skiing since I moved to Whistler a week ago. First was the Nimbus Independent release After the Sky Falls. As a two year project and also featuring Eric Pollard this film was much awaited and didn't disappoint. The filming composition was innovative for a ski movie and the skiing was   I also finally got down to watching Candide Thovex's Few Words which was more informative than inspiring, still good but something of a let down after all the hype. When it comes to documentary ski films I preferred the more fast paced and raw editing style of Like a Lion, Tanner Hall's flick. Candide's best recent footage can be seen in his Candide Kamera series which still blows my mind (big double to cork 10?).

Inspiration for skiing doesn't just come from ski movies though. Some music hits the right spot and suddenly start to visualize tricks. I was listening to the CBC late one night coming home from work and Rod Stewart came on. I had categorized Stewart as a soft rock popstar simply not worthy of trying. A week later though and I've listened to The First Cut is the Deepest 20-30 times. This is such classic rock and it takes me right to a glorious pow day. The song is about finding new love and getting over an old heartbreak, a little like getting over the shit show that was the 2014/15 ski season and then falling back in love with deep snow. 

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