Written around April 1st:
Right now I'm sitting on a mountainside just above the whistler valley. I don't know if it's Mt. Rainbow or Rainbow Lake or valley or whatever. It's just Rainbow and I'm waiting for a shuttle to get a little higher.
My phone isn't exactly the best word processor so I'm going to write this and spell check it later (Done). Its warming up a bit which might suck. I have some anxiety but it's new a calm type, always present in the back of my head. Frequently I'm thinking about being really conservative instead of the huck mentality. These are two different things and don't work at the same time. On the lifts you don't have to think about conservative compromises. Here you do, but I also have
It's totally quiet here which makes waiting nicer.
Time to put my phone away I need to use a washroom with an awesome view.
I have more or less the best reason for not posting all march. I was skiing a lot because the conditions are terrific.
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