Sunday, January 29, 2017

New Room:

I had a decent amount of free time when I moved up to Whistler a month ago, and put some good energy in to my room. I found a big old brass coat hook and decided to go with a distressed brass theme for all the hardware. I'm coping with a twin mattress, but with my monk-like lifestyle, it seems to work. Everything else is white, and I've got a huge window with the best view in the house. The room is small and lacks a desk but it's my sanctuary and I love waking up early to a blast of natural sunlight and an instant conditions report.

I like to keep my daily carry (keys, I pod, wallet) on a plate. 

The utility wall w/ a ton of hooks + attachments for therapy bands

Dreamers corner. That is is a Ferrari F-40 and a '65 Mustang.

Wake up to this EVERYDAY

I found this patch or whatever it is walking home at 3 am one night. It was in a ditch. No joke. Why did I grab a wet rag out of a ditch? It was red and that's my favourite colour. 
